Mr Toner P6
Primary 6
Mr R Toner
It is great to see all our Primary 6 class back at school. It is so lovely to see so many happy and smiling faces enter the classroom each day. We are glad you all had such lovely holidays and have returned safe and well for the new academic year ahead. I am delighted to be able to share with you that the children have had a settled and productive start to the new academic year. They have returned and started with a positive attitude to their learning, and I have witnessed many examples of excellent behaviour inside and outside the classroom which is very pleasing.
We will be completing our Star Reading Tests and beginning our Accelerated Reading over the next few weeks.
Many thanks to all the children in P6 for their positive attitude and great start to the year. I look forward to many more fun-filled days this year!
Mr Ryan Toner
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St Patrick's Primary School, 75 Mullanahoe Rd, Ardboe, Dungannon BT71 5AU Phone: 028 8673 7261